When writing ad copy, video scripts, using photos, and shooting videos, we must keep the META ad policies in mind.
META can reject ads if we do not follow their policy or the national policy in the country we are advertising.
Creating ads that violate the policy would directly impact the client's ad account.
Even if an ad runs, if it is flagged as ‘Low Quality’ by META it can impact the deliverability of that ad inside the ad account.
A very good resource with training and outlines available
In the UK we must also follow the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) rules. The Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) writes the UK Advertising Codes, which are enforced by the ASA.
The CAP Code requires that advertisements must not mislead by inaccuracy, ambiguity, exaggeration, omission, or otherwise. Pricing information must be clear, and any claims made in ads must be substantiated.
This is very important when working in health, wellness, supplements, weight loss etc
Claims about health, beauty, and slimming products must be backed by evidence. The CAP Code is particularly strict about not exploiting consumers' insecurities.